The Rev. Ann Fraser
Associate Rector for Outreach, Pastoral Care, and Parish Life
The Rev. Ann Benton Fraser is a Louisiana native, hailing from St. Francisville and a great big family. Early elements of vocation emerged at the Episcopal Camp Hardtner, where Ann experienced the joy of serving in a community geared toward discovering Christ in others. An alumna of LSU, she worked in development in the non-profit world and in youth ministry before heading to seminary. Upon receiving an MDiv from Sewanee’s School of Theology, Ann served for two years as a Lilly Fellow at St. James’ Church in Manhattan. She was then called as the first rector of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in historic Corinth, Mississippi, where she served for more than 9 years. In 2019, Ann joined the staff of St. Mark’s, following a call to participate in a ministry of caring and connecting in the name of Christ through community outreach, pastoral care, and church-wide events that help sustain the life of the parish. Ann loves wrestling with holy stories, getting to know people, reading, having quiet moments and loud ones, making messes in the name of arts and crafts, and spending time outside. Ann and her husband Andrew have three children, Susanna, Eleanor, and Robert.