Life Events
Holy Baptism is full initiation by water and the Holy Spirit into Christ’s Body, the Church (Book of Common Prayer, p. 298). At St. Mark’s, we welcome people into the community of faith in this sacrament of inclusion. Baptisms happen in the context of Sunday morning Eucharist services, which offers the entire community the opportunity to both celebrate those being baptized and to renew our own baptismal covenant. There are specific feast dates appropriate for baptisms as outlined by The Book of Common Prayer, including The Baptism of our Lord, The Great Vigil of Easter, Pentecost, The Feast of St. Mark’s, and All Saints’ Day. Upcoming dates include November 3rd and November 17th.
Confirmation is the sacramental rite in which Christians express a mature commitment to Christ, confirming the promises made on their behalf if baptized as infants or their desire to be a member of the Episcopal Church if baptized as an adult. Candidates receive strength from the Holy Spirit through prayer and the laying on of hands by a bishop. Those interested in being confirmed must attend Confirmation classes usually beginning after the first of the year. This class is also appropriate for those who were confirmed in another Christian denomination (Roman Catholic, Lutheran, Methodist) or for those wishing to re-affirm their baptismal vows as a way of liturgically renewing their faith. Youth Confirmation classes are offered for any student in eighth grade or older wishing to participate in this sacramental rite.
A wedding is a joyful celebration of worship and praise when two lives are joined together in Christ in the sacramental rite of marriage. When considering a wedding at St. Mark’s, it is essential to understand this occasion as a worship service, much like Sunday morning. Requirements: At least one of the couple wishing to be married must be a member of St. Mark’s or the child of a member of St. Mark’s. New members of St. Mark’s (less than one year in the parish) must obtain special permission from a member of the clergy. All couples must participate in canonically required pre-marital counseling sessions either with a member of the St. Mark’s clergy, or with a qualified counselor or therapist approved by a member of the St. Mark’s Clergy. After carefully going through the customary and understanding all that is required, a couple may submit a Wedding Request Form and a member of the clergy will be in contact shortly after the form is received. We can reserve dates up to 18 months in advance with the payment of the required deposit, details of which are also in the customary.
Losing a loved one is a difficult time in a person’s life. No one should face this time alone, and we are here to assist you in these difficult times. As Episcopalians, our understanding of death and funerals is shaped by the Book of Common Prayer. When a person is near death, the Minister of the congregation should be notified, in order that the ministrations of the Church may be provided (page 462). The service should be held at a time when the congregation has opportunity to be present (pages 468 & 490). The Funeral Service is a celebration of the life of our loved one who has died. The priest will officiate the service, which may include the reading of scripture from the Book of Common Prayer, hymns, a sermon, and a eulogy by a close friend or family member. If the body is not present for the service, a memorial service will be arranged. We encourage members to pre-plan for their funeral service. Please contact a member of the clergy and together we will explore the options for funerals and burial. We will keep these records on file at the church. For more information, email Columbarium The Columbarium is located in the outer walls of historical St. Mark’s Episcopal Church and in Tucker Courtyard. Spaces for ashes, appropriately marked with bronze plaques, will commemorate the dead. You may obtain additional information by contacting the church office.
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