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Seeking the Light

Writer: The Rev. Beth KnowltonThe Rev. Beth Knowlton

“Because in the mystery of the Word made flesh, you have caused a new light to shine in our hearts, to give the knowledge of your glory in the face of your Son Jesus Christ our Lord.” - Proper Preface for Epiphany

As we enter these last few days of Christmas and turn our eyes toward the arrival of the wise men, the preface we use in the season of Epiphany is a good text to ground ourselves. As people who follow the light, it is a hopeful reminder that we have what we need to choose light even when there is much in the world that may seem dark. It invites us to take the gift of incarnation, given in the birth of Jesus, to contemplate how that presence impacts our own journey.

Like the wise men, the hope is that our encounter with God is enough to make us “go home by another road (Matthew 2:12).” What things might we be asked to leave behind as we renew our commitment to life as a spiritual journey? What might be the growing edge for us in these times? These words of Howard Thurman speak to me as we turn towards light and transformation in the season of Epiphany.


“All around us life is dying and life is being born. The fruit ripens on the tree, the roots are silently at work in the darkness of the earth against a time when there shall be new leaves, fresh blossoms, green fruit. Such is the growing edge! This is the basis of hope in moments of despair, the incentive to carry on when times are out of joint and dreams whiten into ash. The birth of the child — life’s most dramatic answer to death — this is the growing edge incarnate. Look well to the growing edge!”


In this season of New Year resolutions or intentions, what are your hopes for your spiritual journey? Do you want to recommit to a specific way of daily prayer? Is there an invitation to make your church home more of a priority in your schedule? Our vestry will gather later this month to examine the report of the renewal works team and imagine together how we might grow in our own discipleship in the coming year. That is an intention that is both communal and personal. In the word made flesh we look for a new light in our hearts and offer that to the world. In the offering we discover the presence of Christ in each face we see and seek out.


This Saturday at 4:00 pm we will gather to celebrate the Feast of the Epiphany. We will share communion and then go to Gosnell Hall to have chili and learn more about the traditions associated with this feast (including blessing of chalk to use at home). Join us as we celebrate the good gifts we have received during these holy days of Christmas and turn our hearts towards the invitations God has for us in the season of Epiphany. What might become manifest for you? 

Peace, Beth +

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